Her home?

I received a comment! Perhaps from another hammie owner...or are we really owners? More like caretakers. Anyway, Mr. Anonymous wants to know what Sesame's cage, or shall I say, hosue, looks like...I found a picture on Petco - Sesame's place of origin. Last night, using the tube technique, I held Sesame and let her crawl around my arms. Because she is clumsy and because I suspect she might be blind, she promptly fell off my hand onto my lap. I scooped her up again. Then I realize she had gone to the bathroom on my left hand so I walked over to the sink and washed my left hand as I held her in my right hand. But, because she is clumsy and possibly blind, Sesame tried to crawl backwards and around on the bottom of my hand - which is basically impossible so I had no choice but to grab her with my soaking wet left hand, lest she fall onto my dirty kitchen floor. I don't think Sesame likes wet hands.
HAHAHA! That was so funny.
Can you please post that photo you have of her standing on her hind legs. It is the sweetest and funniest.
Next entry, patience my young hammy fan...patience
Sesame is the bomba. How'd she get so lucky?
Do you think hamsters are comfortable with their owners, oops, i mean, caretakers calling them "hammies" .... that sounds so.. so...less gangsta than Sesame or any other hamster would probably like. Don't ruin their reps...
I had never heard of the term "hammie" until I became a member of the online hamster world and message boards. Frequent sign offs by members include - "Hammies, gotta love 'em" and "Hammies, they are all worth it in the end" -
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