The Beginning

Today I came home and Sesame's cage was really dirty. I don't see how I could wait the recommended week to clean it. After doing research I have learned that because dwarf hamsters are a new breed, they are not domesticated, like regular animals. I essentialy have a wild hamster on my hands and research shows that if you don't touch and hold them all the time they will grow wild.
SO far, any attempts to hold her have resulted in nips. I employed one of the tips I read and fed her a treat from my hand. As she nibbled it I sang to her and petted her - and she let me! Then I got a toilet paper roll and she climbed into it and I picked it up and slid her into my hands. I held her for a littel bit then I put her in her carrying case and cleaned out her whole cage. Washed it off, put fresh wood shavings all over it.
When I put her back in, she went crazy, running all over the place and diving into the shavings. Then she ate and made a mess again. Then she went to sleep.
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