Funny little creature

Last night I worked on my taming process with Sesame some more. She actually started crawling up and down my arm - which really tickled. But the silly hamster kept sliding off my arm and I had to keep catching her in my hand. Over and over. I just cleaned the cage and it already looks like a disaster again. Are all hamsters this messy???
I'm trying to figure out which corner of the cage she is using as her bathroom so I can train her once her hamster litterbox comes. At one point, I checked in on Sesame and I swear she was sitting on the floor as cross legged as a hamster can sit. She looked like a little old man. Then I watched as she tried to climb up to her food bowl but slid off the step and fell backwards. I've seen her fall a couple of times. I haven't seen her use her wheel but she sure does dig for seeds and burrow.
Can you take before-and-after photos of her cage? Like, a shot of it right after you clean it. And then 2 hours later, how she destroyed it...
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