
Sesame may not have been posting lately, that lazy hamster, but she sure has been busy. Busy cultivating her aggressive nature that is. I don't always have time to take Sesame out of her cage but I do always try to talk to her and remind her of my scent and voice so hopefully she won't go into attack mode if I do try and take her out.
Well, the other day I was chatting with my little rodent friend and she stood up on her hind legs with her nose twitching in over-drive to take in all the scents. So, I extended my index finger so Sesame could smell and without warning she clamped down on my finger with her tiny pointy incisors. I shrieked like a mad women and quickly jerked my finger back. I looked back down in the cage and Sesame was gone. Where the hell did she go, I wondered. Suddenly, my roommate started screaming, "She's on the floor, She's on the floor!" I quickly deduced what had happened.
When I jerked my finger back in surprise, Sesame, my ferocious little rodent friend, did not let go. Instead, she kept those sharp teeth of hers digging into my finger and thus was lifted up and out of the cage until she lost her grip and went sailing through the air. Now, after landing on the floor, she lay on her back with her legs sprawled in all directions trying to right herself. She was reminiscent of when a ladybug is flipped on her back and jerks and twists around in an effort to get up again. Sesame is not a bug and I would expect her to have better motor control than that but it gave me time to scoop her up and put her back in her cage. I observed her and she seemed to have no injuries at all from her flight through space. I think this is because she has no bones - either way, I haven't petted her since.
The picture is from happier times when she liked to crawl and poop all over my hand.
That is how many a hamster has lost their comfortable housing situation, by biting the hand that feeds them. Bad Sesame, but she is only a simple little creature.
That is how many a hamster has missing their relaxed real estate scenario, by stinging the side that nourishes them. Bad Sesame, but she is only a easy little animal.
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