I received a comment! Perhaps from another hammie owner...or are we really owners? More like caretakers. Anyway, Mr. Anonymous wants to know what Sesame's cage, or shall I say, hosue, looks like...I found a picture on Petco - Sesame's place of origin. Last night, using the tube technique, I held Sesame and let her crawl around my arms. Because she is clumsy and because I suspect she might be blind, she promptly fell off my hand onto my lap. I scooped her up again. Then I realize she had gone to the bathroom on my left hand so I walked over to the sink and washed my left hand as I held her in my right hand. But, because she is clumsy and possibly blind, Sesame tried to crawl backwards and around on the bottom of my hand - which is basically impossible so I had no choice but to grab her with my soaking wet left hand, lest she fall onto my dirty kitchen floor. I don't think Sesame likes wet hands.